Best experience of my life. Samantha in Kenya
I was in Mombassa for around 4 months and I was nineteen years old. I didn’t know what to study yet or what to do with my life I had just finished high school. Just being there with the people was a life changing experience, I had the best time in Cannan Orphanage, the kids are the most beautiful kids I´ve ever seen, teaching them and playing with them was so fulfilling.
Kenya, a beautiful country

Also the country is beautiful, in the weekends I would book tours and excursions around Mombassa and see everything Kenya has to offer. At the end I left like a different person, it was by far the best 4 months of my life. Because of that experience i decided to go into Clinical Nutrition in university and do more volunteering like this in the future.
- Samantha from Mexico City volunteering in Mombassa, Kenya
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