Volunteer with Elephants in Nepal

Volunteer with Elephants in Nepal

Volunteer with elephants in Nepal Chitwan and have an exciting and joyful experience!

Elephants as a Reflection of Hindu God Ganesh in Nepal

Elephantes reflect on Hindu God Ganesh

People living in Asia consider the elephants as an important cultural symbol, since they regard them as a reflection of the Hindu God Ganesh. They have a peaceful and social nature and high levels of intelligence. Sharing the day in day life with these Asian giants for a while is a unique and enriching experience.

Elephants love Swimming and Drink a Lot of Water

The large animals eat around 550 pounds of food every day and drink about 200 litres of water. Surprisingly, elephants are only able to digest a very small percentage of their total consumption, and therefore need to eat at regular intervals. Since you will be helping to take the elephants to bathe every day, you will find out abou how theylove swimming and playing in water.

Spend your Days in Magnificent Company: Volunteer with Elephants in Nepal

Volunteering on elephant care in Nepal, you will spend your days in magnificent company. Since you will be helping with their feeding and socialization, you will have a great time with the elephants. Moreover, you will discover about their gentle and befriending nature and always remember the unforgettable volunteer experience.


