Gabrielle from USA sharing her love with the childcare project in Tanzania

Gabrielle Zakas sharing her love with the children at the Childcare in Tanzania
Gabrielle Zakas with the children

Gabrielle Zakas from the US has been sharing her love with the children at the childcare project in Tanzania. Thank you, Gabrielle!

On Facebook, Rashad Ali commented:

Leaving the comfort of your of your immediate surrounding and the loved ones, dedicating your life for the betterment of others, the most vulnerable folks is a reflection of your caring and genuine personality!

We are so happy to see the commitment of our volunteers, to bring joy and education to these children!

About the Childcare Volunteer Project in Tanzania

Work as a childcare volunteer in Tanzania sharing your love and helping to care for the children at an orphanage in Arusha.

This is an orphanage in an area situated at only 10 minutes from the hostel. Around 25 children aged 4 to 15 live there while waiting for adoption since all of them are orphans. The team at the orphanage offers more than just food, clothing, and shelter; they offer education and a loving home.
It is a humble house but surrounded by a large field.

Visit our page with the volunteer projects in Tanzania or sign up to volunteer abroad with IKPVA. You can find also our page with the volunteer project at the orphanage in Arusha.

You may also have a look at all our childcare volunteer abroad projects in more countries.

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