I will never forget the friendships I made

Cassandra loves to remember the new friendships she made while her volunteering experience in Rio, submerging in the Brazilian culture:

Friendships in Brazil
Make friends in Brazil: at the Corcovado

My experience was one of the best experiences I’ve had in my life. Volunteering showed me that we all have something to learn from someone else. What I enjoyed the most was submerging myself into Brazilian culture and sharing this experience with other volunteers from around the world. All volunteers came from very different backgrounds and nationalities, but we all shared something in common, to learn from the community and help in any capacity that we could. I’ll never forget the friendships I made, the smiles from my students, and the kindness from the people I encountered. – Cassandra Chaire

How to volunteer and make friends in Brazil

Visit our page with all the volunteer projects in Brazil! While working in fascinating projects, you also can make friends!

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