Kindergarten in Iquitos: Albane you rock!

Albane Pourmin Kindergarten Iquitos
Albane Pourmin Kindergarten Iquitos

Albane Pournin from France had joined a childcare program in Cambodia last year, this year she is joining 4 programs on a roll. In this picture, she is working as a teacher assistant in a kindergarten in Iquitos, Peru.
Albane, you rock!!

How to volunteer as a teacher assistent in the Kindergarten in Iquitos?

If you are looking for a truly inspiring workaway volunteer opportunity, try out our childcare program at a Kindergarten or Wawa Wasi in Iquitos, Cusco or Arequipa. The Quechua words means house of the kids. While the parents are working during the day, the Wawa Wasi National Peruvian Program provides comprehensive early childhood care for their children. Since children up to four years sometimes live under conditions of extreme porverty, the program provides a safe learning environment, where the children can grow. The Management Committee and the Supervisory Board perform their tasks free of charge, providing their time and social commitment in support of the children of their community.

Rewarding Volunteer Work with the Children at the Kindergarten

Since the work with the children is so rewarding, you will begin to see life in a different way. With you voluntary work, you will give the chidren the chance to socialize, play and learn new skills in a safe area. These day care centers desperately need volunteers because each of the team’s educators has to care for at least 8 children from 1 month to 4 years. So, you can fill in the gap and give the children more attention! Your role includes also to organize short indoor activities such as art & craft, reading fairytale stories, coloring, playing games, serving food, cleaning and tidying, etc.

Visit the page with the childcare volunteer project in Peru here, or check out all the volunteer projects in Peru. You might also enjoy learning about more child development programs in several countries.

Read about Albane’s amazing experience at a daycare in Cambodia!

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