Skills to share with students in Ethiopia: Michael Dodge from USA

Michael Dodge, from the US, sharing his skills to brighten the future of youth from Ethiopia. 👏👏👏

MIchael Dodge USA sharing his skills in Ethiopia.
Michael Dodge USA sharing his skills in Ethiopia.

You can choose from responsible and authentic volunteer programs in Ethiopia, covering all abilities and interests.

As a volunteer teacher you can share your skills with the students in Addis Abeba. Besides teaching English, you can also introduce the students to computer literacy or music. In addition, you can practice yoga with the students in Ethiopia, perform wellness coaching or create a vegetable garden and much more.

There are also a few sports talents at the school who are looking forward to training with a sports volunteer!

Share your skills as an assistant teacher at the college in Addis Abeba

With your volunteer work as an assistant teacher, you will contribute a lot to the future of talented students in school!

Based on your interests and knowledge, you can teach English or introduce teens to digital computer and internet technology. If you want to strengthen the female students’ self-esteem, you can join the women’s empowerment project.

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