Bella told us her experience with Iko Poran!

Bella Teaching English in Rio
Bella with her English Class

Bella experience with Iko Poran

‘In August/September 2011 it was the second time I did volunteering for Iko Poran. In 2008 it was the first time, this was very positive so I came back!

My project was teaching English to a group of children of mixed ages (4-12 years). They live in a small village in Rio. I organized the project with an English volunteer. We taught the children English in small steps, like basic grammar, vocabulary, colors; we used games and books-exercises (elementary school). For example, we played domino to teach them numbers. Once a week we also played football/futebol in a nearby field. They enjoyed learning in a playful way, despite their problems, they were always energetic and willing to learn, help or play! Learning English increases their future possibilities.

Iko Poran supported the volunteers by teaching us Portuguese and giving useful advice about our projects. I can recommend volunteering with Iko Poran very much because they have many interesting, nice projects to contribute to the society in Rio/Brazil!! And it is a great opportunity to get to know beautiful Brazil!’ – Bella

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