Claire Donates Sewing Machines for the Women Empowerment Project in Jaipur

Claire Herbert is starting her Women Empowerment project in Jaipur, and donates even sewing machines for the women. She has already made her observation visit to the school where the women empowerment project runs. Find here some of the pictures from her arrival, traditional welcome and project.

Claire is Donating Sewing Machines for the Project

She donated sewing machines to the project and will be teaching English and stitching to the women. Within stitching she will be passing her skills of making sanitary pads-a very common hygiene issue here in India as poor women can’t afford them.

  • Claire is donating sewing machines
    Claire is donating sewing machines

Odette’s Experience with the Women Empowerment Project

Odette Crisp, from Australia, traveled to India, and worked as a volunteer on women empowerment in Jaipur with IKPVA. In this interview she tells us, how she had the idea to do something different, apart from tourist travel as usual. Before departure, she shaved her hair to raise funds for the women and the children who were her beneficiaries. When she arrived in India and met the women, she found out pretty soon, that what they wonted most, was to learn English. She ended up falling in love with India and had an amazing experience with the women in Jaipur.

Read Odette’s interview

Feel inspired to volunteer in India?

Visit our page with the full program information about the women and girls empowerment project in Jaipur, or about volunteer work in India in general, and proceed with your application.

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