Teaching and Caregiving in Cambodia

Volunteer with many children smiling in the Caregiving program in CambodiaCaregiving and Teaching in Cambodia. There are no words to describe the magic, the love, the kindness, and the gratitude you will experience. Apply today to volunteer abroad with Iko Poran. Your best travel is here 

Caregiving for Children at a Day Care in Cambodia

This project provides for you as a childcare volunteer in Cambodia a chance to make a difference to such deprived children by helping them on a day-to-day basis.

Your volunteer work schedule will include sanitation, learning, recreation and offering extracurricular activities such as drawing, painting, singing, and dancing.

The main objective of the childcare volunteer program is to bring mental, intellectual, physical and social improvement to the orphans.

How to be a Child Care Volunteer in Cambodia

Visit our page with all programs for volunteering in Cambodia. Find the child care project in Cambodia here.

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