Volunteering in Rio with Teaching English, Art, and Dancing

Just completed a month of volunteering in Rio de Janeiro with Iko Poran. I worked in programmes in teaching English, Art, and Dancing. It felt good to be making even a small difference in the lives of people who in many cases have so little. Iko Poran were excelent hosts and made sure my time was well spent in projects that suited my skills and abilities, as well as leaving me time for my own tourist activities, and pursuing my own drawing and painting hobby.

I had a great time working with the kids and young adults in Rio de Janeiro. I worked in English, Art, and dancing classes and they all had their different challenges in terms of resources available, students at different ability levels. It was very uplifting to be able to share my skills and hopefuly make a small difference to the lives of these young people.
Their enthusiasm for learning and determination to make their country a better place was inspirational.

– Bob Black

Bob Matt with his English Class in Rio

Volunteering in Rio…

Volunteering in Rio de JaneiroVolunteering in Rio de Janeiro, one of the most beautiful cities of the world – dubbed as “Cidade Maravilhosa” by the Cariocas, residents of Rio. Cidade Maravilhosa means the Wonderful City, as it stretches out with curving hills overlooking magnificent beaches, and protected by “Christ the Redeemer” on top of Corcovado.

Open-minded people at the “Wonderful City”

The residents of Rio are open-minded people and will welcome you with open hearts. Even if there is a language barrier, local people will communicate naturally with you. Pretty soon you grap some words of Portuguese. If you have any chance of learning some Portuguese before travel, the people will love it. With just a few words like “Bom dia” or “Tudo bem?” you will make local people very happy! With volunteer programs  of four weeks or more, Portuguese lessons are being provided anyway.

Go ahead with your volunteer trip to Rio!

You can find the volunteer project to teach English in Rio here. You can also learn more about volunteering in Brazil.

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